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Imperial Library
1 T he siren’s squeal split the morning, the
2 N ick Stokes, at the wheel of the crime lab
3 T he security room took up much of the seco
4 T he Las Vegas Criminalistics Department—ho
5 I n the chem lab, Warrick checked the instr
6 A fter three-and-a-half hours’ sleep, a sho
7 A s if hypnotized by a fascinating work of
8 A s Catherine looked on, Dr. Robbins matche
9 F or nearly two hours Sara immersed herself
10 T hese linked murder investigations repres
11 N ick leaned over to open the door for Ser
12 J enny Northam shook her head, her long da
13 I n Henderson, Warrick—with Conroy riding
14 E xiting the break room with a cup of coff
15 A bout the time O’Riley and Nick found Mar
16 A bout the time night shift actually start
17 I n the layout room, Grissom had arrayed v
18 M aintaining a low profile in this high-re
19 B efitting the bitter December weather, th
1 M illie Blair hated spending nights alone.
2 C aptain Jim Brass ambled down the hall tow
3 A day later, and Lynn Pierce remained amon
4 A rthur and Millie Blair lived in an anonym
5 A mid pine trees in a deceptively peaceful
6 S omething about Ray Lipton—his grieving ma
7 L ake Mead was born of Hoover Dam stemming
8 A t the same time Gil Grissom was meeting u
9 N ot as many lights were on in the Pierce c
10 W ell past the end of her shift, the long
11 A t the same time Greg Sanders was giving
12 A t just before two a.m., waiting in the p
13 T he next night’s shift had barely begun w
14 A t the start of shift, Sara Sidle felt sh
15 T he moon had turned the evening an ivory-
16 B y this time, Catherine and Sara were bac
17 A t the end of shift, Gil Grissom invited
1 L ike the beacon over Bethlehem, the fallen
2 S tanding at the edge of the blacktop, Cath
3 I nitially, the idea of a getaway weekend w
4 S eated on a stool in a musical equipment s
5 W alking single file through the snow, Herm
6 T he one thing Las Vegas
7 S ara Sidle’s nostalgia
8 C atherine Willows could
9 T he crime scene was sti
10 A fter five grueling ho
11 H aving just emerged on
12 J im Brass was in no hu
Author’s Note I would like to acknowledge the contribution of Matthew V. Clemen
About the Author MAX ALLAN COLLINS, a Mystery Writers of America Edgar Aw
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